Sunday, January 29, 2012


It has almost been a month since I started my winter adventure in Rexburg. And so far it has been really great! Now I look back on my extreme anxiety at the end of last semester and think, "Oh Mal, why were you worrying so much?" Although at times I really wish I was at home watching Parker's basketball games, baking with Brooke, sharing the bunkbed with Sarah, and have late night conversations with Mom and Dad, I am glad to be in Rexburg. I really am. It's where I am supposed to be right now. By that statement I must clarify that I don't think I am going to meet my future husband or have some huge event occur, but I do think that this step towards "emerging adulthood" will be a good thing and I have already recognized some of the ways this has positively affected my life. So here is my post about why I am glad to be here and the cool things I've been able to do. For my lack of patience of writing a LONG post, I am just going to list these things. :)

1. Return with Honor council. - I get to witness the Atonement in my peers lives. One hour a week witnessing changes in hearts and learning from others. 

2. Holding a tarantula. I never thought in my life I would do such a thing! It was pretty disturbing especially when it wouldn't come off and for about ten seconds I thought its fangs had dug into my skin but I will never forget or regret it!

3. Being a Gospel Doctrine teacher. I have only taught Primary! I am very excited I have this opportunity. I taught my first lesson last week. It went pretty well! I am learning.

4. Saying prayer at devotional. I cannot write anything eloquent enough to express my thoughts and feelings as I sat on the stand at devotional. "Awesome wonder." I am very grateful for that opportunity. It was the highlight of being at BYUI so far.

5. Hearing L. Tom Perry. We were blessed to hear from Elder Perry last week. The BYU-I Center was nearly full. We sang "Called to Serve." I love the power when a lot of saints are singing a hymn. He spoke about the church being scaffolding for our families and professions. It was great. 

6. Meeting Nik Day. I don't know if any of you remember, but I nearly met him last spring when he came to do a concert at BYUI. My roommates and I were at the park and he walked right by us. I stared him down because I was in complete shock but was not quick enough to say something. Well, last night Morgan, Kim and I went to a benefit concert he was playing at and since Kim knows him, she introduced us!! And I got a picture. Then afterwards, he came to my apartment for about ten minutes. Guys, it was so great. haha. 

7. SEATTLE! This will be a blog post in itself in a month. This past week I bought tickets to go visit Spencer and Laura. I am really excited to see them and take an adventure!

8. My roommate Jamie got engaged! I am so glad I was here for that. Jamie and Jace are the cutest couple and such good examples to me. I really look up to both of them and are grateful for their influence in my life. I love being here for the wedding planning as well.

9. Roommates. I LOVE my roommates. This semester I was going to do a shared room to cut costs, but I felt like I shouldn't. I am really grateful that I didn't because my two roommates in that room are so great and they add so much to our apartment. 

10. This one hasn't happened yet, but I am excited for it  . . . . Katelyn is coming this next weekend! 

I guess the whole purpose of this blog post is to say that many times, we don't know what is going to happen when we try something new or even when we do something we've done a couple times. I am sure that if I had gone home this semester I would have been happy and I would have a list of great things I'd been able to do. I make one every semester I am home! I guess what I am trying to say is that despite this huge unknown I was facing this semester, I am really happy. I feel like God has blessed me SO much and that I am learning so much about myself and learning to take steps of faith, be confident in myself, and know that I can do hard things. And really, those things that I thought would be so hard have been easy as I have put faith in the Lord and decided to be strong. 

Thank you all for your support and love and phone calls. 


And now its time for dinner . .. . .