Sunday, May 29, 2011

Les Miserables

Yesterday Katelyn and I saw "Les Miserables" at Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City.

For years I have wanted to see this musical and going yesterday was kind of like a dream come true. I remember listening to our tape of the (I think) 1985 recording as a little girl, but I didn't gain a true appreciation of this masterpiece until high school.

I read it my sophomore year of school. At first I had a hard time getting into the literature, but soon became enthralled by the story of Jean Valjean. This same year, I learned 'On My Own' sung by Eponine in my piano lessons. The music from the musical brought on a whole new meaning to the novel.

Seeing the musical yesterday made me love it all even more. Everything about the show was incredible. My favorite part was at the end before Jean Valjean dies and he says, "To love another person is the see the face of God." Then after that the whole cast sings a rendition of 'Do You Hear the People Sing?' where they tell everyone that they can make an impact on the world. It rocked. I cried.

Now I know what you are thinking. This is one of those emotional, sentimental journal writing experiences for Mal, and it was. I just finished writing in my journal about it a couple hours ago. But it was inspiring.

And I want you to feel inspired too!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My New Life as BLOGGER

I never thought I would count myself as a Blogger. But, after reading countless blogs of Katelyn and many others I decided to try something new and give it a try.
I actually first created my blog while I was home for winter semester. I had been blog stalking late one night and thought, what the heck! I'll give it a try! So I made a blog, but stopped because I was too lazy to figure out how to make it cute. I'd leave that for another day.
I left this page untouched until last Sunday when I was going to help my roommate start a movie rental business. We decided to make a Facebook page and a blog as a website. I got SO into it and even figured out how to make a button on her website that led to FB. We were so proud. The next day we excitingly told our Bishop our accomplishments. He directly informed us that our business-to-be was illegal. Bummer. We came home and sadly deleted our page and website. The good news is that Bishop prevented us from being sent to the Rexburg Women's penitentiary and . . .